Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Words of Encouragement to a Friend

(c) Stephanie Josiah 2014

I find when I pay too much attention to what is going wrong... I miss all that is going right. Let's see now: you woke up this morning - with a pulse, in a warm bed, in a house -sheltered from the cold, surrounded by a family that loves you, had a choice to drive one car or take public transportation...or choose from two or more cars...
to get to work (never a cold walk in the snow) in your belly, layers of clothes on... God sang over you as you slept - is currently singing over you now (you just aren't enjoying it because you've been distracted)... With so much going on that is so right... I'd say you already have more than enough reason to start praising, to start speaking aloud all of your blessings.
Then add on what you have already been pulled through before, in your past, health scares... Scrapes, falls, crashes... Angels taking the bigger blows for you because you have such a divine purpose they don't want your vessel taken out of the game early... Add that to your previous reasons to praise and you could be turning on the radio or singing worship songs to dance to.
Sermon summary LOL. GOD loves you and has given you so much. But your adversary wants you distracted, disconnected and disgruntled. He is literally inhabiting your happiness, peace and joy. You gonna let him get away with that? Don't you dare. Sing and keep singing, dance and keep dancing, believe and keep believing... I say this to both you and me. We are blessed!

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