Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12 Questions (A post from Steph's FaceBook)

Here are some questions so many Christians are afraid to ask, but I will ask because the answers matter to me:
  1. If we were more honest about the struggles we face and our inner church issues... Would it make you turn away in disgust?
  2. Would it weaken your image of us (not that I personally believe that any non-christians have fallen for the "holy act")?
  3. Would it make you hate God if we admitted that sometimes even we don't get how or why He does what He does or allows things to happen?
  4. Or would it arouse your interest?
  5. Would you kick your feet up on my coffee table and vent with me about how messed up some things are?
  6. Would it make you laugh to see me take down my guard, then you'd take down yours and we would find we are no different in so many ways?
  7. Would my honesty shake your core?
  8. Would my transparency, my realness remind you that there is a very real God?
  9. Would you be afraid to cry with me if I wasn't always smiling?
  10. Would you be afraid to pray with me, if I told you sometimes my prayers are "hi and bye"?
  11. I haven't met a Christian yet that changed into a blameless angel, would that discourage you?
  12. Or would it comfort you to know that behind each smiling mask is a flawed person?

Well, I refuse to wear a mask and I'm not afraid to ask these questions. I am not perfect... In fact I think I'm funnier because of my imperfections. I get upset, scared, rejected... I feel dumped on... I get insanely happy... And there have been so many times when I was not all I could be. But there have been so many times when I've just been me. And me is Stephy (and I'm a Christ-follower). To know me is to laugh, cry, shake your head, and possibly want to choke me. Lol but to know me is to also know that being real is possible and is preferred in a Christian. So let's start having real walks and real talks, Christians. And let's start asking the hard questions.

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