Friday, March 14, 2014

A Facebook post from FEB. 18TH, 2014

My brain hurts... I just finished the preface and first chapter of "Spiritual Leadership" and it was like seeing everything that ever troubled me in high def. The world is hurting for leaders who love passionately, live in transparency, and act according to the principles they claim to follow. How to better the leadership when the world is already overrun with mega-prosperity-but low spiritual imp...act churches and falsehoods oozing from within the staff/leadership teams... Would best begin by a true acknowledgement of who we are vs. Who God is. If we remove ourselves from the throne and realize we would have nothing if not for God... We would operate out of thankfulness to Him and glorify Him instead of trying to glorify ourselves...

My non-Christian friends aren't fooled, they know we have faults. It is our self-righteousness and masks that disgust them... Not our weaknesses. It is our love of self that prevents our ability to lead or be influential. In our imperfections we can still point upward and say... Follow me because I love you and any good in me and any love you feel from me and see in my actions is from what God has put in my heart.

New leadership begins first by returning to our first truth... God is God and we are not.
Nothing we do will be of any importance to the kingdom until we first master this!

At the click of a button the world can learn what it wants about God... But we are the face He chose and that face hasn't been so lovely, compassionate, welcoming, trustworthy, or been a blessing to others... Is it any wonder why the world is bleeding out for spiritual healing but hates the thought of going to church?

Not all leadership is corrupt... But with all eyes on us (despite the gospel of tolerance being king in the 21st century) we cannot afford to be dishonest! We are supposed to be representing the truth!

Soapbox...step down...

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